1-Red Pepper Menu

B04 Fried Pork Vegetable Dumplings 锅贴(6)

B06-Scallion-Pancake 葱油饼

B16-Wontons-w-Chicken-Broth 鸡汤抄手

C01-Sliced Beef and Tendon w Chili Sauce 夫妻肺片

C03 Sliced Poached Pork w Fresh Garlic 蒜泥白肉

C04-steamed-chicken-w-house-chili-sauce 重庆口水鸡

D03-General-Tsos-Chicken 左宗鸡

D13-Chicken-w-Mushrooms 蘑菇鸡片

E06-Beef-w-Ginger-Onion-Scallion 葱爆牛

E10 Bf Brsket HtPt 牛腩煲

F03-Shreded-Pork-in-Sweet-Bean-Sauce-w-Scallion 京酱肉丝

G11 Fish Fillet Scall Gin 葱爆鱼柳

L01 Deep Fried Chicken with Dry Chili Peppers 重庆辣子鸡

L02 Deep Fried Tofu w Dry Chili Peppers 重庆辣子豆腐

L03 Sliced Fish w Salted Mustard Cabbage Soup 重庆酸菜鱼

L04a-Soft tofu, Beef Stomach and Soybean Sprout Stew 毛血旺

L05 Deep Fried Pork Intestine w Dry Chili Peppers 香辣肥肠

M02-Poached-Beef-w-Cabbage-in-Hot-Chili 水煮牛肉

Q01-fish-filet-w-pickled-pepper 泡椒鱼柳

T23-Beef-w-String-Beans 四季豆牛